The Use of Silver Nylon in Preventing Surgical Site Infections Following Colon and Rectal Surgery
Krieger BR et al., Diseases of Colon and Rectum, Vol.54 No.6, Aug. 2014
Silver Dressings Used With Wound Vacuum Assisted Closure: Is There an Advantage?
Rodriguez A et al.; Poster presentation
A Clinical Trial to Investigate the Effect of Silver Dressings on Mediastinitis Rates in Postoperative Cardiac Sternotomy Incisions
Huckfeld R et al. Ostomy Wound Management 2008;54(10):36-41
Silverlon® use in Afghanistan for Burn Care
Brandt M-M; Poster presentation
Silverlon® Burn Products Continuum of Burn Care
Cedrick; Poster presentation
Silverlon® Burn Products Continuum of Burn Care
Cedrick; Poster presentation
A retrospective study to evaluate the effect on an activated carbon dressing on chronic wounds
Young S, Gray S and Hampton S; Poster presentation TVS 2016
Results of directly applied activated carbon cloth in chronic wounds: a preliminary study
Scheer SH, Kaiser M and Zingg U; Article in Journal of Wound Care 2017, Vol 26 No 8
Proteinase Modulation by an Activated Carbon Cloth
Thomas H, Carney J and Westgate SJ; Poster presented at EWMA 2018
Experience in treating combat burns in Afghanistan by using silver-nylon dressing.
(Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an.)
Pozza M, Matthew P, Lunardi F; Poster presentation
Research into fabrics used in compression therapy and assessment of their impact on treatment regimens.
(Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an.)
Hegarty-Craver M, Grant E, Kravitz S, Reid L, Kwon K and Oxhenham W.; Article in J Wound Care. 2014 Sep;23(9):S14, S16, S18-22
Challenging present concepts in compression therapy: static stiffness index is not consistent and not clinically relevant.
(Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an.)
Kravitz S1, Hegarty-Craver M, Reid L; Article in J Wound Care. 2016 Feb;25(2):S4, S6-8.
Simulated pressure changes in multilayer, multicomponent wrap systems when transitioning from rest to standing.
(Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an.)
Hegarty-Craver M, Grant E, Kravitz S, Kwon C and Reid L; Article in J Wound Care. 2015 Sep;24 Suppl 9:S14-20.
In Vitro Protease Activity of Activated Carbon Cloth Dressing
Versus a Standard Knitted Viscose Gauze Dressing
Liden B; Poster presented at SAWC Spring 2018
In Vitro Modulation of MMP 1, MMP 2, MMP 9 and Elastase by a Range of Wound Dressings
Carney J, Thomas H and Westgate SJ; Poster presented at SAWC Spring 2017
Treatment of World Health Organisation (WHO) "Priority Pathogens" Relevant to Wound Care by an Activated Carbon Cloth Dressing
Sellars L, Martin S, Thomas H, Westgate SJ and Brown R; Poster presented at EWMA 2019
A Clinical Evaluation of Silverlon® Wound Contact Layer Antimicrobial Wound Dressing
Owen G, Hanmer P and Griffiths B; Poster Presentation
Use of a Silver Nylon Dressing Following Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Decreases the Postoperative Infection Rate
Tisosky AJ, Iyoha-Bello O, Demosthenes N, Quimbayo G, Coreanu T and Abdeen A; J Am Acad Orthop Surg Glob Res Rev. 1(7) Oct 17 2017
The Use of Silver Nylon in Preventing Surgical Site Infections Following Colon and Rectal Surgery
Krieger B, Davis DM, Sanchez JE, Mateka JJ, Nfonsam VN, Frattini JC and Marcet JE; Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 54(6) 2011
The Use of a Silver-Nylon Dressing During Evacuation of Military Burn Casualties.
(Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an)
Aurora A, Beasy A, Rizzo JA and Chung KK; J Burn Care Res. 39(4):593-597 2018